Using face detection

Registering faces as your favourites (My Star)

You can register your favourite faces to prioritise the focus and exposure on those faces. This feature is available only when you use a memory card.


In Shooting mode, select f ￿

￿ .


Align your subject and press [Shutter] to register the




￿￿You can register up to 5 photos for one face. For better recognition of the face, take photos of the left, right, and front of the subject's face.



to register the face as one of your favourites.



when the face list appears.

￿￿Your favourite faces are indicated with a on the face list.

￿￿You can register up to 6 favourite faces.

￿￿The flash option will be set to Off.

￿￿If you register the same face twice, you can delete one of the faces in the face list.

Viewing your favourite faces

In Shooting mode, select f ￿ ￿.

￿￿Select to change the ranking of your favourite faces.

See page 64 for more information about the face list.

Shooting options 52