Shooting modes

2 Select f ￿ ￿￿a frame rate (the number of frames per second).

￿￿As the number of frames increases, action appears more natural, but the file size is increased.

30 FPS

is available only when the video resolution is 320 x 240.

3 Select f ￿ > ￿￿￿￿a sound option. Option Description

Off: Record a video without sound.

On: Record a video with sound. (While you are zooming, sound recording will be interrupted.)

4 Set other options as desired. (For options, refer to “Shooting options.”)5 Press [Shutter] to start recording.6 Press [Shutter] again to stop recording.

To pause recording

The camera allows you to pause temporarily while recording a video. With this function, you can record your favourite scenes as a single video.

Select to pause while recording. Select to resume.

Stop: Shutter

Extended functions 37