OSD (On Screen Display)____ On
screen display (OSD) allows you to customize
Gamma____ The Gamma menu adjusts
the grey scale that represents middle tones on the screen. Adjusting the brightness brightens the whole screen, but adjusting Gamma only brightens the medium brightness.
Grey scale____ Scale refers to levels
of color intensity that show variations of color change from darker areas to brighter areas on the screen. Changes to the screen brightness are expressed with black and white variation, and grey scale refers to the medium area between black and white. Changing the grey scale through Gamma adjustment will change the medium brightness on the screen.
Scanning rate____ Scanning rate, or
refresh rate, refers to the frequency of screen refreshes. Screen data is transmitted as it refreshes to display an image, although the refreshing is invisible to the naked eye. The number of screen refreshes is called scanning rate and is measured in Hz. A scanning rate of 60Hz means that the screen refreshes 60 times per second. The screen scanning rate depends on the performance of the graphics cards in your PC and monitor.
Dot Pitch____ The product and screen
consist of red, green and blue dots. A shorter distance between the dots produces a higher resolution. Dot pitch refers to the distance between the shortest distance between dots of the same color. Dot pitch is measured in millimeters.
Horizontal Frequency____ Characters
or images displayed on the monitor screen consist of numerous dots (pixels). Pixels are transmitted in horizontal lines, which are then arranged vertically to create an image. The horizontal frequency is measured in kHz and represents how many times horizontal lines per second are transmitted and displayed on the monitor screen. A horizontal frequency of 85 means that the horizontal lines that make up an image are transmitted 85000 times per second. The horizontal frequency is indicated in 85kHz.
Vertical Frequency____ One image is
made of numerous horizontal lines. The vertical frequency is measured in Hz and represents how many images can be created per second by those horizontal lines. A vertical frequency of 60 means that an image is transmitted 60 times per second. The vertical frequency is also called "refresh rate" and affects screen flicker.
Resolution____ Resolution is the
number of horizontal pixels and vertical pixels that form a screen. It represents the level of display detail. A higher resolution displays a greater amount of information on the screen and is suitable for performing multiple tasks at the same time.
E.g. A resolution of 1920 x 1080 consists of 1920 horizontal pixels (horizontal resolution) and 1080 vertical lines (vertical resolution).
Plug & Play____ The Plug & Play
feature allows the automatic exchange of information between a monitor and PC to produce an optimum display environment.
The monitor uses VESA DDC (international standard) to execute Plug & Play.