Boshlashdan oldin

Ikkitalik tayyorlash rejimi

Ikki xil taomni tayyorlash uchun yuqori va pastki kameralarning ikkalasini ham ishlatishingiz mumkin yoki bittagina kamerada tayyorlashingiz mumkin.

Pishirish bo‘shlig‘ini ikkiga ajratish uchun bo‘lgichni 3-qavatga kiriting.

Pech bo‘lgichni sezadi va odatiy tarzda yuqori kamerani faollashtiradi.


Ikkitalik tayyorlash rejimining mavjudligi retseptga bog‘liq. Ko‘proq ma’lumot uchun shu qo‘llanmaning Tayyorlash yo‘riqnomasi bo‘limini ko‘ring.


12  O'zbek


Boshqaruv paneli

Old panel turli xildagi materiallar va ranglarda bo‘ladi. Sifatni yaxshilash maqsadida, pechning asl ko‘rinishi xabardor qilinmasdan o‘zgartirilishi mumkin.

02 04

06 08 10









07 09 11






Rejim tanlagichi

Tayyorlash rejimi yoki funksiyasini tanlash uchun











Tez qizdirish

Tez qizdirish pechni belgilangan haroratga tezda







Tez qizdirish opsiyasini bosib, uni yoqish yoki o‘chirish mumkin.

Faqat Bittalik rejimda mavjud.

(Konveksiya, An’anaviy, Yuqori issiqlik+Konveksiya, Quyi issiqlik+Konveksiya)

100 °C dan past haroratda ishlamaydi.



Tayyorlash paytida taymer vaqtni yoki ishlash



davomiyligini tekshirishda yordam beradi.






Bo‘lgich kiritilsa, indikatorlar yonadi. Retseptingiz



uchun Yuqori yoki Pastki kamerani tanlashingiz









Tanlangan rejim va sozlamalarga oid zaruriy



ma’lumotni ko‘rsatadi.






Sozlamalarni tasdiqlash uchun shuni bosing.






Joriy sozlamalarni bekor qilib, asosiy ekranga




NV75K5541RB_WT_DG68-00743A-01_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 12

2017-02-03 ￿￿ 11:02:36

Page 156
Image 156
Samsung NV75K5541RB/WT, NV75K5541BS/WT, NV75K5541RS/WT, NV75K5541BB/WT manual Ikkitalik tayyorlash rejimi, Boshqaruv paneli

NV75K5541RB/WT, NV75K5541RS/WT, NV75K5541BS/WT, NV75K5541BB/WT specifications

The Samsung NV75K5541BB/WT, NV75K5541BS/WT, NV75K5541RS/WT, and NV75K5541RB/WT are part of Samsung's innovative range of built-in ovens that elegantly combine modern design with advanced cooking technologies. These models stand out not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their exceptional functionality, making them ideal for any contemporary kitchen.

One of the highlighted features across these models is the Smart Oven technology, which enables precise temperature control for optimal cooking results. The built-in Smart Sensor adjusts the cooking time and temperature, ensuring your meals are prepared perfectly every time. With a wide range of cooking functions available, including baking, grilling, and even steam cooking, these ovens cater to diverse culinary needs.

Another remarkable characteristic is the Dual Cook technology. This feature allows users to cook multiple dishes simultaneously at different temperatures, enhancing efficiency in meal preparation. With the dual cook capability, the oven can separate the top and bottom compartments, enabling users to prepare a variety of meals without flavor transfer.

The sleek design of these ovens is complemented by a high-quality enamel coating that makes cleaning a breeze. The ceramic enamel interior not only helps maintain hygiene but also reduces the time spent scrubbing stubborn stains. Additionally, the ease of maintenance extends to the exterior, which is designed to resist fingerprints and smudges, ensuring the appliance always looks pristine.

Energy efficiency is another critical aspect of these ovens. Equipped with energy-saving features, they minimize power consumption without compromising cooking performance. This commitment to sustainability reflects Samsung's dedication to producing environmentally friendly appliances.

Moreover, the ovens are compatible with smart home technology, allowing users to control and monitor their cooking remotely via a smartphone app. This feature enhances convenience and ensures that users can keep track of their meals, even when they are away from the kitchen.

In summary, the Samsung NV75K5541BB/WT, NV75K5541BS/WT, NV75K5541RS/WT, and NV75K5541RB/WT are exceptional built-in ovens that showcase advanced cooking technologies, energy efficiency, and easy maintenance, all wrapped in an elegant design. These ovens are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their cooking experience while enjoying the benefits of modern innovation.