9. Test Mode
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1.Driving Compartment Test Mode
A.Hold down ì 1î and ì 2î keys simultaneously and then press POWER S/W ì 4î on.
B.The driving compartment can be tested when you press ì 3î key right after entering into the initial stage of the TEST MODE.
ïDriving Compartment Test
COLD VALVE ON(0.3sec) → OFF(0.3sec) → RRE VALVE ON(0.3sec) → OFF(0.3sec) → Pump MOTOR ON(0.3sec) → OFF(0.3sec) → MOTOR Left (0.5sec) → OFF(0.5 sec) →
MOTOR Right (0.5sec) → OFF(0.3sec) → HEATER RELAY ON(0.3sec) → OFF(0.3sec) → DOOR OPEN (Function continues when door is closed)