Now fix up the signs of the quotient (R0) and remainder (R1)
POP {R2, R3} ; Get dividend/divisor signs back
EOR R3, R2 ; Result sign
EOR R0, R3 ; Negate if res ult sign = - 1
SUB R0, R3
EOR R1, R2 ; Negate rem ainder if dividend sign = - 1
SUB R1, R2
MOV pc, lr
ARM Code
signed_divide ; Effectively zero a4 as top bit will be shifted out later
ANDS a4, a1, #&80000000
RSBMI a1, a1, #0
EORS ip, a4, a2, ASR #32
;ip bit 31 = sign of result
;ip bit 30 = sign of a2
RSBCS a2, a2, #0
;Central part is identical code to udiv (without MOV a4, #0 which comes for free as part of signed entry sequence)
MOVS a3, a1
BEQ divide_by_zero
just_l ; Justification stage shifts 1 bit at a time
CMP a3, a2, LSR #1
MOVLS a3, a3, LSL #1 ; NB: LSL #1 is always OK if LS succeeds
BLO s_loop
CMP a2, a3
ADC a4, a4, a4
SUBCS a2, a2, a3
TEQ a3, a1
MOVNE a3, a3, LSR #1
BNE s_loop2
MOV a1, a4
MOVS ip, ip, ASL #1
RSBCS a1, a1, #0
RSBMI a2, a2, #0
MOV pc, lr