Table 1-3. S3C2440A Signal Descriptions (Sheet 4 of 6)
Signal Input/Output Description
SPIMISO[1:0] IO SPIMISO is the master data input line, when SPI is configured as a master.
When SPI is configured as a slave, these pins reverse its role.
SPIMOSI[1:0] IO SPIMOSI is the master data output line, when SPI is configured as a master.
When SPI is configured as a slave, these pins reverse its role.
SPICLK[1:0] IO SPI clock
nSS[1:0] I SPI chip select(only for slave mode)
SDDAT[3:0] IO SD receive/transmit data
SDCMD IO SD receive response/ transmit command
SDCLK O SD clock
General Port
GPn[129:0] IO General input/output ports (some ports are output only)
TOUT[3:0] O Timer output[3:0]
TCLK[1:0] I External timer clock input
nTRST I nT RST(TAP Controller Reset) resets the TAP controller at start.
If debugger is used, A 10K pull-up resistor has to be connected.
If debugger(black ICE) is not used, nTRST pin must be issued by a low active
pulse(Typically connected to nRESET).
TMS I TMS (TAP Controller Mode Select) contr ols the sequence of the TAP
controller's states. A 10K pull-up resistor has to be connected to TMS pin.
TCK I TCK (TAP Controller Clock) provides the clock input for the JTAG logic.
A 10K pull-up resistor must be connected to TCK pin.
TDI I TDI (TAP Controller Data Input) is the serial input f or test instructions and data.
A 10K pull-up resistor must be connected to TDI pin.
TDO O TDO (TAP Controller Data Output) is the serial output for test instructions and