Table 3-1. The ARM Instruction Set (Continued)
Mnemonic Instruction Action
MRC Move from coprocessor register to
CPU register Rn: = cRn {<op>cRm}
MRS Move PSR status/flags to register Rn: = PSR
MSR Move register to PSR status/flags PSR: = Rm
MUL Multiply Rd: = Rm × Rs
MVN Move negative register Rd: = 0 × FFFFFFFF EOR Op2
ORR OR Rd: = Rn OR Op2
RSB Reverse Subtract Rd: = Op2 - Rn
RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry Rd: = Op2 - Rn - 1 + Carry
SBC Subtract with Carry Rd: = Rn - Op2 - 1 + Carry
STC Store coprocessor register to memory address: = CRn
STM Store Multiple Stack manipulation (Push)
STR Store register to memory <address>: = Rd
SUB Subtract Rd: = Rn - Op2
SWI Software Interrupt OS call
SWP Swap register with memory Rd: = [Rn], [Rn] := Rm
TEQ Test bitwise equality CPSR flags: = Rn EOR Op2
TST Test bits CPSR flags: = Rn AND Op2