3.1 <
Software overview>
3 Software ov erview
This chap ter giv es you an over view of t he sof t ware that c omes with you r
machine. Further details about installing and using the software are
explained in the Software Section.
This chapter includes:
• Supplied software
• Printer driver features
• System requirements
Supplied software
You must inst all the prin ter and scanner sof tware using the supp lied CDs
after you have set up your machine and connected it to your computer.
Each CD provides you with the following software:
CD Contents
software CD
Windows • Printer driver: Use this driver to
take full advantage of your pr inter’s
•Scanner driver: TWAIN and
Window s Ima ge Acq uis iti on (WIA)
drive rs are ava il abl e for scan ni ng
documents on your machine.
•Smart Panel: This progra m all ows
you to monitor the machine’s status
and alerts you when an error occurs
during print ing.
•SmarThru1: This is the
accompanying Windows-based
software for your multifunctional
•User’s Guide in PDF
•Set IP: Use this program to set your
machine’s TCP/IP addresses.
Linux • Printer driver: Use this driver to run
your machine from a Linux computer
and print documents.
•SANE: Use this driver to scan
printer driver
Windows • Postscript Printer Description
(PPD) file: Use the Pos tSc ript driv er
to print documents with complex
fonts and graphics in the PS
•User’s Guide in PDF
Macintosh • Postscript Printer Description
(PPD) file: Use this file to run your
machin e from a M acint osh com puter
and print documents.
•Scan driver: TWAIN driver is
availab le for scanning docu ments on
your machi n e .
1. Allows you to edit a scanned image in many ways using a powerful image
editor and to send the image by email. You can also open another image editor
program, like Adobe Photoshop, from SmarThru. For details, please refer to the
onscreen help supplied on the SmarThru program.
CD Contents