Printing features 96
4. Special features
Double-sided Printing
•Printer Default: If you select this option, this feature is determined by the settings you have selected on the
control panel of the machine. This option is available only when you use the PCL/XPS printer driver.
•None: Disables this feature.
•Long Edge: This option is the conventional layout used in bookbinding.
•Short Edge: This option is the conventional layout used in calendars.
•Reverse Double-Sided Printing: Check this option to reverse the print order when duplex printing.
Paper Options Chang es th e siz e of a docu ment to ap pear larg er or smal ler o n the prin ted p age b y ent erin g in a perc enta ge by w hich
to enlarge or decrease the document.
Watermark The watermark option allows you to print text over an existing document. For example, you use it when you want to
have large gray letters reading “DRAFT” or “CONFIDENTIAL” printed diagonally across the first page or all pages of a
Item Description