Samsung SF-755P manual Phonebook Tab, When you click Group Dial, the following window opens

Models: SF-755P

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Allows you to edit the selected Phonebook entry in a separate Edit window.

The Phonebook Tab

Click the Phone Book tab to create and edit Phonebook entries.

Reads the Phonebook entries from the machine to the Remote Control Panel.

Downloads the Phonebook entries from the Remote Control Panel to the machine.

Shows Phonebook entries.

Allows you to set up group dial numbers. See below.

Deletes the selected

Deletes all

Phonebook entry.

Phonebook entries.

Enter a name for the group.

Shows the numbers included in the group. To remove a number, select it and click Remove.

When you click Group Dial, the following window opens.


Shows the Phonebook entries you can include in the group. After selecting a number, click Add to move it to the Included numbers list.

Click to save the group dial number after adding or removing numbers for the group.


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Samsung SF-755P manual Phonebook Tab, When you click Group Dial, the following window opens