Get videos

This menu (Menu 5.5) allows you to download new video clips from your service provider. Follow the online instructions shown on your display screen. Once you have downloaded the video clips, they are added to your phone’s list of videos.

Get celebrity voicemail

This menu (Menu 5.6) allows you to download new audio clips from your service provider that feature celebrity voices. Follow the online instructions shown on your display screen. Once you have downloaded the audio clips, they are added to your phone’s list of audio clips.

Get my pix - online album

This menu (Menu 5.7) allows you to view pictures that you have taken with your camera and post them online. Follow the online instructions shown on your display screen.

Navigate home

This menu (Menu 5.8) takes you to an online homepage provided by your service provider. Selecting this menu connects the phone to the network and loads the homepage of the Wireless Web service provider.

Note: You can also press the key in Idle mode.

To scroll through the screen, use the Up and Down navigation keys.

To select a browser item, press the



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Samsung SGH-D606 user manual Get videos, Get celebrity voicemail, Get my pix online album, Navigate home