English English
- If your DVR (SHR-4081N/P) uses a static IP, select “Static IP” for Address
Type and type in the name of the DVR (SHR-4081N/P) and the IPaddress.
-Select “Port” so that it matches the port number that you’ve set in the network
menu of DVR (SHR-4081N/P).
- If your DVR (SHR-4081N/P) uses a dynamic IP such as in a cable modem or
VDSL, or PPPoE for ADSL, select “MAC Address” for Address Type and type
in the MAC address of the DVR (SHR-4081N/P).
- Select “Port” so that it matches the port number that you’ve set in the network
menu of DVR (SHR-4081N/P).
- If you select “Use DDNS” in the network settings menu of DVR
(SHR-4081N/P) or use an IP splitter to register an URLusing DDNS, you can
make connection via the URL.
- If you want to make connection via the an URL, select “URL” for Address Type
and type in the URLset for the DVR or IP splitter in the URL menu item.
- Select “Port” so that it matches the port number that you’ve set in the network
menu of DVR (SHR-4081N/P).