Quloqlikdan foydalanayotganda, quloqlaringizni va eshitish qobiliyatingizni himoya qiling

Juda baland ovozda tinglash eshitish qobiliyatingizga zarar yetkazishi mumkin.

• Piyoda yurish vaqtida baland ovozda musiqa tinglash, diqqatingizni olishi va yo‘l transport hodisasiga sabab bo‘lishi mumkin.

Quloqlikni audio qurilmaga ulashdan oldin har doim ovozni pasaytiring hamda suhbat yoki musiqa tinglayotganda o‘zingizga kerakli bo‘lgan minimal ovoz balandligidan foydalaning.

Quruq joylarda, quloqlikda statik elektr quvvati yig‘ilishi mumkin. Quloqlikni quruq joylarda foydalanmang yoki statik elektr quvvatini yo‘q qilish uchun quloqlikni qurilmaga ulashdan oldin metal obyektni ushlang.

Transportni boshqarayotganda quloqlikdan foydalanmang. Bunday qilish Sizning fikringizni chalg‘itadi va yo‘l transport hodisasida sabab bo‘lishi va hududingiz qonunlariga ko‘ra qonunbuzarlik sifatida belgilanishi mumkin.

Yurib yoki yugurib ketayotganingizda qurilmadan ehtiyotkorlik bilan foydalaning

O‘zingizga va boshqalarga shikast yetkazmaslik uchun har doim atrofdagi voqea va insonlarga diqqatli bo‘ling.

Quloqlik kabeli qo‘lingizda yoki yaqin-atrofdagi predmetlarga o‘ralib qolmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.

Qurilmangizni bo‘yamang yoki uning ustiga stikkerlar yopishtirmang

Bo‘yoq yoki stikkerlar qurilmangizning olinadigan qismlarini yopishib qolishiga va ular funksiyasining buzilishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Agar Sizda qurilma bo‘yog‘i yoki uning metal qismlariga allergiyangiz bo‘lsa, teringiz qichishi, shishishi yoki teringizga toshmalar toshishi mumkin. Bunday hodisa sodir bo‘lganda, qurilmadan foydalanishni to‘xtating va shifokor bilan maslahatlashing.

Qurilma yorilgan yoki singan bo‘lsa, undan foydalanmang

Singan shisha yoki akril qo‘lingizga yoki yuzingizga shikast yetkazishi mumkin. Qurilmani ta’mirlash uchun Samsung Xizmat ko‘rsatish Markaziga olib boring.


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Samsung SM-G900FZDVSER, SM-G388FDSAPLS, SM-J510FZKNOPT manual Qurilma yorilgan yoki singan bo‘lsa, undan foydalanmang


The Samsung SM-G388FDSAPRO, SM-G388FDSAPRT, SM-G388FDSAITV, SM-G388FDSADPL, and SM-G388FDSADBT represent a range of robust smartphones designed to cater to various user needs. Each model shares a common foundation but varies in specific features, tailoring to distinct preferences and requirements.

These smartphones typically come equipped with a compact and durable design, ideal for users seeking reliability in everyday scenarios. Featuring a reinforced chassis, they can withstand the rigors of daily use, making them suitable for both urban and outdoor environments.

One of the standout features of the Samsung SM-G388 series is its remarkable performance, powered by an efficient processor that ensures smooth multitasking. Whether users are browsing the web, streaming videos, or running multiple applications simultaneously, the device maintains a responsive and lag-free experience.

The smartphone series integrates a vibrant display that enhances viewing experiences. With vivid colors and sharp resolutions, users can enjoy their media in stunning quality. Additionally, the devices boast advanced touch sensitivity, providing intuitive navigation that appeals to both new users and seasoned tech enthusiasts.

Camera capabilities are another highlight of the SM-G388 lineup. Each model is equipped with a capable primary camera that delivers impressive photo quality, accompanied by various shooting modes and features that enhance creativity. Users can capture moments with ease, even in low-light conditions, thanks to included features like LED flash and manual adjustments.

Connectivity options are robust, making these devices versatile for different usage scenarios. With support for LTE, users can experience high-speed internet connections, while Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities ensure seamless pairing with other devices. This connectivity extends the user’s experience, whether they are syncing with other devices or sharing content on the go.

Battery life is another crucial aspect where the SM-G388 series excels. With a substantial battery capacity, users can rely on their devices throughout the day without the need for frequent recharging. This is especially beneficial for users who engage in demanding activities.

In summary, the Samsung SM-G388FDSAPRO, SM-G388FDSAPRT, SM-G388FDSAITV, SM-G388FDSADPL, and SM-G388FDSADBT present a competitive choice in the smartphone market. Their combination of durability, performance, captivating displays, and versatile connectivity options make them appealing to a wide range of users, whether on the hunt for a dependable device or a feature-rich smartphone experience.