ContentsInformationbutton 65
Thumbnail& Wide / Tele & Trimming button
Thumbnail/ Enlargement / Trimming button
UP/ Voice memo button 67
DOWN/ LEFT / RIGHT button 68
MENU/ OK button 68
DELETEbutton 69
PLAY& PAUSE button 70
Settingup the play back function using the
LCDmonitor 71
Slideshow 72
Protect 73
Resize 74
Deleteall 75
DPOF: Standard 76
DPOF: Index 77
DPOF: Cancel 78
Setupmenu 79
File 80
Poweroff 81
Language 82
Format 83
Dateset 85
Timeset 86
Datetype 87
Imprint 88
Sound 89
LCDbrightness 90
Video 91
Connectingto an external monitor 92
Quickview 93
MySETmenu 94
Startup image 94
Startup sound 95
Shuttersound 95
Listof camera function 96
StartingPC mode 99
Importantnotes 101
Warningindicator 102
Beforecontacting a service center 103
Specifications 106
SoftwareNotes 108
Aboutthe software 108
Settingup the application software 110
Removingthe USB Driver for Windows
98SE 116
RemovableDisk 118
Removingthe removable disk 119
Settingup the USB Driver for MAC 121
Usingthe USB Driver for MAC 121
DigimaxViewer 122
MGIPhotoSuite III SE 123
FAQ 138