Special featuresThisdigital camera has the following features.
Afineresolutionof 4.0 mega pixels
9powersourceoptions (a world first!)
3different“My SET” modes
An FCC warning
Thisdevice has been tested in accordance with the limits of a class B digital device under item 15
ofthe FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide protection against harmful interference in
commercialinstallation. This equipment generates, absorbs and can emit radio frequency energy.
Ifit is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference
toradio communication. There is however, no guarantee that interference will not occur in a some
situations.Should any interference occur when this device is in operation, please try one or more of
thefollowing measures.
Changethe location and direction of any aerial.
Increasedistance between camera and affected device.
Usea different socket away from the affected device.
Pleasecontact a Samsung agent or a radio/TV engineer.
Thisdevice complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.