This chapter shows you how to delete music, photos, video, and recordings on Sansa® Fuze TM media player.
Deleting Content
There are two ways to delete content from your Sansa player. You can delete it from the player directly or using a computer.
To delete files directly from the Sansa player, follow these steps:
1.In playback mode, press the Submenu button.
2.Select Delete.
To delete music files using the computer, follow these steps:
1.Connect your Sansa to the computer.
2.Select Open device to view files using Windows Explorer on initial connection.
3.Locate the folder where your files are stored.
NOTE: Music files are stored in the MUSIC folder. Voice recording files are stored in RECORDING folders. Photos and Videos are stored at PHOTO and VIDEOS folders, respectively.
4. Highlight and delete the desired files.
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