Sanyo VPC-C1EX 5TVA5CPQDQQM!SYSTEM Setting, When set to PAL and connected to a TV

Models: VPC-C1EX VPC-C1

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5:￿￿TV￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿!SYSTEM SETTING￿"

This setting is to specify the type of image signal that is output from the camera’s DIGITAL/AV terminal.

1 Display the Option Setting Screen (page 105).

2 Select the TV system icon j, and press the SET button.

eThe TV System Setting Screen appears.


Output NTSC video signals


Output PAL video signals




3 Select the appropriate TV system, and press the SET button.


eIf the TV system setting is not correct for the connected TV, you will not be able to view the images on the TV.

When set to “PAL” and connected to a TV

Shooting: Images are displayed on the LCD monitor only and do not appear on the TV.

Playback: Images are displayed on the TV only and do not appear on the LCD monitor.

English 118

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Image 121
Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual 5TVA5CPQDQQM!SYSTEM Setting, When set to PAL and connected to a TV