5:￿￿To￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿print all the images (all￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿images) ￿￿!￿"

Print all of the images on the card.

1 Complete the printing setup (page


2ALL IMAGES 100-0002Select the print all images icon

u, and press the SET button.

eThe Print All Images Screen appears.


3 Select “PRINT”, and press the SET button.

ePrinting begins.



Printing is not possible if there are more than 999 still images in the card.

eDelete unwanted images before printing.

English 144

Page 147
Image 147
Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual Select PRINT, and press the SET button