Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual Procedure to save part of a video clip as a separate clip

Models: VPC-C1EX VPC-C1

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5:￿￿EDITING￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿VIDEO CLIPS￿￿!￿"#

You can delete (“cut”) the first part or the last part of a video clip. You can choose anywhere in the video clip as the cutting point.

You can also join two video clips together and save them as one separate clip (“joining”).


Warning concerning the battery pack remaining charge

eDuring the editing of lengthy video clips, the time to process the large amount of data can become quite long. To avoid problems caused by the battery pack becoming depleted in the middle of video clip editing, before starting to edit be sure that a sufficiently charged battery pack is installed in the camera, or connect the AC adapter/charger.

eIt is recommended that a computer be used to edit long video clips.

Procedure to save part of a video clip as a separate clip

Play the video clip, and pause playback at the point you want to cut.


Select whether to delete the portion before the cut point or after the

cut point.


Delete the specified portion.

eThe specified portion is deleted.

eThe original video clip is not affected. (You can also choose to erase the original video clip when the new clip is saved.)

English 90

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Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual Procedure to save part of a video clip as a separate clip, 5EDITINGA5CPQDQQMVIDEO CLIPS!#