Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual 5VIEWINGA5CPQDQQMIMAGESMain switch !#

Models: VPC-C1EX VPC-C1

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5:￿￿VIEWING￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿IMAGESMain switch￿￿!￿"#

1 Turn on the camera (page 37), and set the main switch to PLAY.

e If the main switch is set to PLAY after a video clip was recorded, the last recorded video clip is


e If the main switch is set to PLAY after a still image was captured, the last recorded still image is displayed.


SET button

2 Select the image you wish to view.


To display the previous image, toggle


the SET button to the left.


To display the next image, toggle the


SET button to the right.


3 Play back a video clip.

Follow these steps to play back a video clip.

Normal playback

ePress the SET button.


e While the video clip is playing, toggle the SET button up. To resume playback, press the SET button.

<Example: After video clip recording>

<Example: After still image shooting>

English 64

Page 67
Image 67
Sanyo VPC-C1EX instruction manual 5VIEWINGA5CPQDQQMIMAGESMain switch !#