Sanyo VPC-C1EX 5A5CPQDQQMLOCK position. !#, Handstrap Lens cap Soft case, SD Memory Card 128MB

Models: VPC-C1EX VPC-C1

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5:￿￿￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿LOCK position. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿!￿"#


SD Memory Card (128MB): 1



Contact end

Lock switch








• Recording (images and sounds) and erasing


are inhibited (accidental erase protect


function) when the lock switch is set to the


• The card is normally used with the lock


switch set to the unlocked position.


i Lens cap

i Soft case

When not using the camera, keep it in the soft case for protection.

Media cards that can be used with this camera

The type of card that can be inserted into and used with this camera is:

eSD Memory Card

English 26

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Sanyo VPC-C1EX 5A5CPQDQQMLOCK position. !#, Handstrap Lens cap Soft case, Media cards that can be used with this camera