Sanyo VPC-C1 USING5A5CPQDQQMYOUR Camera Safely and !#, Do not modify or open the cabinet

Models: VPC-C1EX VPC-C1

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USING5:￿￿￿':A5CP[Q￿DQQM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿YOUR CAMERA SAFELY AND ￿￿!￿"#



i If the camera makes a strange noise, emits a strange odor, or if smoke comes out from it,

immediately turn off the power and remove the battery pack.

eIf the camera is used under these conditions, it may cause a fire or electric shock. Immediately turn off the digital camera, remove the battery pack, and wait to make sure no more smoke comes from the camera. Then take it to the dealer for service. Do not try to repair or open the camera yourself.

i Do not modify or open the cabinet

e High voltage circuits are inside, and there is a high risk of fire or electric shock if they are touched. Any internal check, setting, or repair should be performed by the dealer.

iDo not use while driving

e Do not capture images, play back images, or watch the LCD monitor while driving a vehicle. Doing so may cause an accident.

e Be careful where you put down the camera inside an automobile. During sudden stops or turns it may fall behind the brake pedal and prevent braking.

iBe aware of your surroundings when using the


e Pay close attention to your surroundings when using the camera. Failure to do so may lead to an accident or injury.

e When using the camera while walking, be very careful of your surroundings and especially the traffic to avoid accidents.

eDo not use the camera inside an airplane or elsewhere where its use may be restricted.


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Sanyo VPC-C1 USING5A5CPQDQQMYOUR Camera Safely and !#, Immediately turn off the power and remove the battery pack