Start: You will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to “PRESS START”. Depending on your choice when entering “CUSTOM PROGS”, “CUSTOM 01” or “CUSTOM 02” will display confirming your selection.
You can now begin exercising, set up, or change your custom program.
To set up a custom program: You can set up your custom program profile in each interval as you exercise. The flashing “bricks” indicate your position and interval location within the program. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to select your desired resistance level as the program progresses through each interval. This profile will be stored into memory, which can then be accessed the next time you want to exercise within this custom program.
To change an existing custom program, simply use the UP or DOWN buttons as you exercise in each interval to override your old custom program. This new profile will automatically be stored into memory and will then be the new default custom program.
To STOP or PAUSE the program: Press the START / PAUSE button to pause your workout. The display will show “PRESS RESULT OR PRESS START”. Then if you press the RESULTS button the computer will show your workout results and end the program, or if you press START / PAUSE the computer will resume the program where you left off.
nConsole Operation – “T.T. PROGRAM” (Time Trial)
Select Program: Press any button to power up the console and “ENTER PROGRM” appears in the alphanumeric display. To access the Time Trial program, scroll through the display by using the UP or DOWN buttons until you reach “T.T.PROGRAM” then press ENTER.
Enter Distance: You will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to “ENTER DIST”. Select the desired distance by using the UP or DOWN buttons and then press ENTER to confirm your selection. You can select the desired distance in 1/10 of a mile or kilometer increments.
Enter Pacer Speed: You will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to enter “PACER SPEED”. Select the desired pacer speed by using the UP or DOWN buttons and then press ENTER to confirm your selection. You can select the desired pacer speed in 1/10 mile or kilometer increments.
Enter Weight: You will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to “ENTRWEIGHT (lbs. or kgs.)”. Select the appropriate weight by using the UP or DOWN buttons and then press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Start: You will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to “PRESS START”. “T.T.PROGRAM” will display confirming your selection. You can now begin exercising! The PACER is represented by the top flashing “brick” and you are represented by the bottom flashing “brick”.