basic dr!IS press operation
Follow the following instructions for operating your drill press to get the best results and to minimize the likeli- hood of personal injury.
ON PAGES 2, 3, AND 4.
!.Protection: Eyes, Hands, Face, Ears and Body
1.Do NOT wear:
--loose clothing
2.Do tie back long hair
a. If any part of your drill press is missing, malfunc-
tioning, has been damaged or broken.., such as the motor switch, or other operating control, a safety device or the power cord . . . cease operating immediately until the particular part is properly repaired or replaced.
b.Never place your fingers in a position where they could contact the drill or other cutting tool
if the workpiece should unexpectedly shift or your hand should slip.
c.To avoid injury from parts thrown by the spring, follow instructions exactly as given and shown in adjusting spring tension of quill.
d.To prevent the workpiece from being torn from your hands, spinning of the tool, shattering the toot or being thrown, always properly support your work so it won't shift or bind on the tool:
clamp solidly to the table. Use table slots or clamping ledge around the outside edge of the table.
--When using a drill press VICE, always fasten it to a table,
--Never do any work "FREE HAND" (hand- holding workpiece rather than supporting it on the table), except when polishing.
--Securely !ock Head and Support to Column, Table Arm to support, and Table to Table Arm before operating drill press.
--Never move the Head or Table while the toot is running.
--Before starting the operation, jog the motor switch to make sure the drill or other cutting toot does not wobble or cause vibration.
--If a workpiece overhangs the table such that it witt fall or tip if not held, clamp it to the table or provide auxiliary support.
--Use fixtures for unusual operations to adequately hold, guide and position work- piece.
--Use the SPINDLE SPEED recommended for the specific operation and workpiece ma-
cover for drilling information; for acces- sories, refer to the instructions provided with the accessories.
f.Never climb on the drill press Table, it could break or put! the entire drill press down on you.
g.Turn the motor Switch Off and put away the Switch Key when leaving the drill press.
h.To avoid injury from thrown work or toot contact, do NOT perform layout, assembly, or setup work on the table while the cutting tool is rotat- ing.
2.Use only accessories designed for this drill press to avoid serious injury from thrown bro- ken parts or work pieces.
a.Holesaws must NEVER be operated on this drill press at a speed greater than 400 RPM
b.Drum sanders must NEVER be operated on
this drill press at a speed greater than 1800 RPM.
c, Do not install or use any drill that exceeds 7" in length or extends 6" below the chuck jaws. They
can suddenly bend outward or break.
d. Do not use wire wheels, router bits, shaper cut-
ters, circle (fly) cutters or rotary planers on the drill press.
Insert drill into chuck far enough to obtain maximum GRIPPING of the CHUCK JAWS . • . the jaws are approx. 1" long. When using a small drill do not insert it so far that the jaws touch the flutes (spiral grooves) of the drill.
Make sure that the drill is CENTERED in the chuck before tightening the chuck with the key.
Tighten the drill sufficiently, so that it does not SLIP
while drilling.JAWS
Turn the chuck key clockwise to