Regarding the LampLamp
It is recommended that the lamp (s old separately) be replac ed when the remaining l amp life becomes
5% or less, or when you notice a signifi cant deterioration in the pi cture and color qualit y. The lamp life
(percentage) can be checked w ith the on-screen displ ay. (See page 47.)
Purchase a replacement lamp of ty pe AN-D400LP from your pla ce of purchase, nearest Shar p
Authorized Projector Dealer o r Service Center.
The lamp included with this projector i s backed by a 90-day parts and labo r limited
warranty. All service of this projector u nder warranty, including lamp replace ment,
must be obtained through a Sharp Autho rized Projector Dealer or Servic e Center.
For the name of the nearest Sharp Authorize d Projector Dealer or Service Ce nter,
please call toll-free: 1-888-GO-SHARP (1-888-467-4277).
Hg LAMP CONTAINS MERCURY For State Lamp Disposal
www.lamprecycle.org or 1-800-BE-SHARP U.S.A ONLY
Caution Concerning the Lamp
This projector utilizes a press urized mercury lamp. A lou d sound may indicate lamp fai lure. Lamp failure
can be attributed to numerous sourc es such as: excessive shock, i mproper cooling, surf ace scratches
or deterioration of the lamp due to a lap se of usage time.
The period of time up to failure large ly varies depending on t he individual lamp and /or the condition and
the frequency of use. It is impor tant to note that failure can ofte n result in the bulb cracki ng.
When the lamp replacement in dicator and on-screen di splay icon are illuminate d, it is recommended
that the lamp be replaced with a new o ne immediately, even if the lamp ap pears to be operating
Should the lamp break, there is al so a possibility that gla ss particles may spre ad inside of the projector.
In such a case, it is recommended yo u contact your nearest Sha rp Authorized Projector De aler or
Service Center to assure safe operation.
Should the lamp break, the glas s particles may spread in side the lamp cage or gas co ntained in the
lamp may be vented into the room from the exhau st vent. Because the gas in this l amp includes
mercury, ventilate the room well if the lamp br eaks and avoid all exposure to the re leased gas. In case of
exposure to the gas, consult a doctor as s oon as possible.
Replacing the Lamp
Do not remove the lamp unit from the proj ector right after use. The l amp will be very hot and may ca use
burns or injury.
Wait at least one hour after the powe r cord is disconnected to all ow the surface of the lamp uni t to fully
cool before removing the lamp unit.
Carefully chang e the lamp by followi ng the instruc tions describ ed in this secti on. * If you
wish, you may have the la mp replaced at you r nearest Shar p Authorized Pro jector Dealer o r
Service Center.
* If the n ew lamp does not light af ter replacement, take you r projector to the nearest S harp Authorized Proj ector
Dealer or Service Cente r for repair.