Maintenance IndicatorsThe warning lights (power indic ator, lamp indicator and temper ature warning indicator) on t he
projector indicate proble ms inside the projector.
If a problem occurs, either t he temperature warning ind icator or the lamp indicator w ill
illuminate red, and the projec tor will enter standby mode. Af ter the projector has ente red
standby mode, follow the proced ures given below.
Top Vi ew
Lamp indicator
Temperature warning
Power indicator
About the tempera ture warning ind icator
If the temperature inside the projector i ncreases, due to blockage of the ai r vents, or the setting
location, the temperature warning ind icator will blink. And if the tempe rature keeps on rising,
“” will illuminate in the lower left cor ner of the picture with the temperatu re warning
indicator blinking. If this state conti nues, the lamp will turn off, the coo ling fan will run and then
the projector will enter standby mode. Wh en you fi nd the temperature warning indicator
blinking, be sure to perform the mea sures described on page 54.
About the lamp indi cator
When the remaining lamp life beco mes 5% or less, (yellow) and “Change The Lamp” wil l
be displayed on the screen. When the pe rcentage becomes 0%, it will cha nge to (red), the
lamp will automatically turn off a nd then the projector will automatica lly enter standby mode.
At this time, the lamp indicator will illumi nate in red.
If you try to turn on the p rojector a fourt h time without re placing the lamp , the
projector will not tu rn on.
Indicators on the Projector
Power indicator Red on Normal (Standby)
Green on Normal (Power on)
Red blinks Abnormal (See page 54.)
Green blinks Normal (Cooling)
Green and orange
blink alternately
The lens shutter is closed. (See p age 29.)
Lamp indicator Green on Normal
Green blinks The lamp is warming up.
Red on The lamp is shut down abnormall y or requires to be
changed. (See page 54.)
Tempe rat ur e
warning indicator
Off Normal
Red on/Red blinks The internal temperature is abnormally high. (See page 54.)