•Enter ‘a’ instead of ‘@’.
•Enter ‘tm’ instead of ‘®’.
•Enter ‘and’ (in English) of ‘&’.
•Enter ‘g’ instead of ‘g ’.
•Enter ‘l’ instead of ‘£’.
•Enter ‘mf’ or ‘mikrofarad’ instead of ‘∝F’.
•Enter ‘theta’ instead of ‘è’. About Greek letters, enter alphabet letters similarly.
Modifying entry
Deleting unnecessary or incorrect characters
Modify the entry ‘rangehen’ to indicate ‘Ring’.
1.Press Uto open the input screen of Langenscheidt
2.Type ‘rangehen’.
3.While the cursor is at the end of the string, press (four times to delete ‘ehen’.
4.Next, press [twice to move the cursor over the letter ‘n’.
5.Press (once to delete a character on the left of cursor. ‘a’ will be deleted.
Adding characters
6.In the above example, press Ito insert a letter ‘i’ on the left of the cursor. The search will be narrowed with the word ‘Ring’.
•Press ^Bto delete all characters entered.