Using the History function
Use the History function to recall a headword or idioms/sentences previously searched in the dictionaries.
How to use the History function
Recall the search history in Langenscheidt
1.Press Tto open Langenscheidt
2.Press H. The history view appears, with the most recent search placed at the top of the list.
When ‘’ and/or ‘
’ appears on the left side of the window, }{or ><can be used to scroll the window.
3.Use the number keys to select a desired word in the list (press 1in this example).
The detail view of the selected word appears.
•Each dictionary has its own history list for headwords and phrases (exception:
Duden – Die deutsche Rechtschreibung). These history lists are installed and updated automatically.
•To view the history list, press Hat the initial screen of each dictionary, and the initial screen of each phrase search.
•Truncated words in the list are indicated with a trailing ‘...’ at the end.
•Each history list can contain up to 30 items. The oldest item will be deleted as item count exceeds 30.
Deleting a history item
1.Display the history list on the screen.
2.Use the }or {key to place the cursor on the item to be deleted (select ‘study’ in this example). The reverse colour indicates the selected item.
3.Press (. A confirmation dialogue for deletion appears.
4.Press J. The selected item is deleted.