See Assigning an IP Address, page 32 to learn how to assign an IP
Learning Hint
4. To configure the ANCB address, at the Local > prompt type:
config address ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx should be replaced with a 12-digit unique
network address. See Assigning an IP (Internet Protocol) Address
page 32.
5. Press ↵ Enter.
6. The following message appears: Configuration change verified
7. To configure the ANCB subnetwork, at the Local > prompt type:
config netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
8. Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the subnet mask for your network.
Typically, this would be in the range through
9. Press ↵ Enter.
10. To configure the ip router address at the Local > prompt type: config
iproute x
An IP router address is not always required. This command sets the
address of the IP router. Your network administrator can help you
choose an address.
This field can be left to the default setting of if an IP
router is not used
11. Press ↵ Enter.
This completes the necessary ANCB Configuration. To display the
current settings, type at Local > prompt: config display
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