Instructions If a DataNET communications link fails to establish check for a:
• configuration conflict,
• link signal quality problem.
If the ANCB_DN port DNETA or DNETB LED is never green, or
intermittently flashes between green and red, a configuration conflict
exists. Configuration conflicts can be caused by cabling or improper
software configuration parameters.
Cable Connected to
Wrong Hub or Port
Verify that the Channel A DataNET link is connected to the A Hub half
and that the Channel B DataNET link is connected to the B Hub half.
Verify that both Channels A & B utilize the same port number on their
respective Hub half. Then display the Port Status screen by connecting a
PC to the Configuration Port, logging in, and typing display links. Verify
that the two Ports are connected as expected.
The following example shows that port #1 (DataNET Channel A) is
connected to the DataNET Hub whose IP address is on
port #4, Hub half A and port #2 (DataNET Channel B) is also connected
to the DataNET Hub whose IP address is on port #4,
Hub half B.
local> display links
Port: Medium: Status: Connected to:
1 Copper Connected,4A
2 Copper Connected, 4B
Ethernet UP
52 • Troubleshooting 2000592-001