Command Descriptions, Continued
logout Log out of device.
netstat hdlc Display DataNET link statistics for all ports.
netstat hdlc clear Display and clear all DataNET link statistics
for all ports.
netstat hdlc port# clear Display and clear DataNET link statistics for
the specified port (1 or 2).
netstat hdlc port# Display DataNET link statistics for the
specified port (1 or 2).
netstat clear Clears the Ethernet statistics counters.
netstat pna Display OS memory buffer statistics.
password newword
newword Change login password for ANCB.
port start port Enable specified DataNET port (1 or 2).
port stop port Disable (stop all activity) on specified
DataNET port (1 or 2).
reset Reset and Save Configuration data.
test port# Place a port into hardware test mode.
test off Take a port out of test mode.
timeout on Enable user login timeout.
timeout off Disable user login timeout.
36 • Command Summary 2000592-001