Outgoing and incoming calls
Call waiting
You must apply to your local network operator for the “Call waiting“ feature.
While you are conducting a call, a second incoming call is signalled acoustically and visually. You can then accept or reject this call without disconnecting the first caller.
Accepting call waiting
dA call is in progress.
The call waiting signal is heard. The call number of the second party is displayed, if it is transmitted.
RYou can accept the call via the Consultation key. You are now connected to the second caller. The first call is auto- matically put on hold. You can toggle between both calls via the Consultation key (Switching between two calling parties/toggling ➔ page 22).
Call waiting is not possible during a conference or consultation.
The “Call waiting” function must be activated (➔ page 38).
Rejecting call waiting
dA call is in progress.
The call waiting signal is heard.
hReject the call via the Disconnect key. The second caller receives the busy tone.
Deactivating the call signal (Do not disturb)
0or -
You can deactivate the call signal of your Profiset 30isdn but nonetheless continue to make calls. The call will only be shown on the display.
Start the programming procedure.
Enter or select the value “0“.
Save the setting.