27.11.98 | kap01.fm5 | Profiset 30isdn engl.: |
Putting the telephone into operation
Step 2: Connect the telephone
To ISDN socket
Restricted powering switch
Telephone connecting cord
Handset cord (coiled)
Handset cord (coiled)
Both ends of the handset cord have the same connector. Insert the connector at the long end of the handset cord into the socket labelled a on the underside of the de- vice and insert the other connector into the handset be- low the mouthpiece. In both cases, the connectors must engage audibly. Feed the cable into the cable run.
Die Stecker müssen in beiden Fällen hörbar einrasten.
Telephone connecting cord
Both ends of the telephone connecting cord have the same connector.
Insert one connector into the socket labelled A on the underside of the device and insert the other connector into your ISDN socket. In both cases, the connectors must engage audibly. Feed the cable into the cable run.