| MP3 Player | A27 |
Menu overview:
MP3 Player Menu 2SWLRQV
Create | Create a new playlist. |
playlist |
Modify | Open an existing play- |
playlist | list for modification. |
Rename | Rename the playlist. |
Delete | Delete the highlighted |
| entry. |
Tone | Choose tone. |
Shuffle | Random sequence of |
| melodies. |
Repeat | Play again. |
Playlists Menu 2SWLRQV
Add Song Add new melody to the playlist.
Delete The melody is deleted only from the playlist.
Delete all Delete all entries after confirmation.
Move Change sequence of melodies.
Load music
Music files in the MP3 format can be copied from your PC to the MP3 fol- der on the MultiMediaCard™ using the Data Exchange Software (see also p. 70).
You have a call!
If a call comes in, the music is automatically interrupted. You hear the ringer. Press the PTT key on the headphone to accept the call.
Do not use the MP3 Player whilst driving or using machinery.
Legal notice
The music which you can dub and play back by the MP3 function of your device is nor- mally subject to copyright protection ac- cording to the international and national laws and treaties applicable in the individu- al case.
In some countries reproductions, in some countries including those for private use, re- quire the prior approval of the rightholder. Please inform yourself about and comply with the pertinent copyright regulations. Of course the foregoing restrictions do not apply if you are vested with these rights be- cause it is your own composition or record- ing or because these rights were granted to you by the rightholder.