Internet (WAP) | 35 |
Example: Home
The soft keys may be assigned functions that are controlled online from the homepage such as “links” or “menus”.
??? ???
The contents of option menus are also variable.
Favorites | Display of up to nine |
| WAP pages for fast |
| access. |
| Select New entry to ma- |
| nually enter an URL. |
| Further functions via |
| 2SWLRQV. |
Disconnect | End connection. |
Reset | Delete the pages last |
| visited (cache). |
More ... | See below. |
Exit Browser End browser and con- nection.
Browser Menu
You must be in the Internet applicati- on (online or offline).
Homepage The first WAP Internet page that is displayed after connection setup (may have been set/ preset by your Service Provider)
Add book- Store the current WAP
mark page as a bookmark with your Service Provider (not available everywhere).
More ...
Go to URL Option for accessing an Internet address (URL = Uniform Resource Locator).
Show URL Show the current Inter- net address.
Channels Access to services of- fered by your Provider.
Outbox Contains e mails to be transmitted later (de- pends on your Service Provider).