Text entry


Text entry with T9

"T9" deduces the correct word from the individual key entries by making comparisons with an extensive dic- tionary.

T9 menu

CMSettingsMDeviceMT9 input Select input language

Select the language in which you want to compose your message.

T9 input language


§Select§ Confirm, the new language is set.

Set T9 as standard

The T9 system is set as standard for text entry.

T9 preferred


§Select§ Confirm.

Shown in the display.

Briefly activate, deactivate T9

#Press briefly to activate/ deactivate T9.

Write a word using T9

Simply press the keys beneath which the relevant letter is located once only. For "hotel", for example:

4 6 8 3 5

1 Press. A blank ends a word. Do not use special characters such as

Ä.Use the standard characters in- stead, e.g. A; T9 will do the rest for you.

Additional information

0 Set a full stop. A word is concluded if it is followed by a space. Within a word, a full stop represents an apostrophe or hyphen:

e.g. §provider.s§ = provider’s. E Move to the right. Ends a word.

Correct a word

F Move left or right, word by word, until the required word is §highlighted§.

Scroll through the T9 word suggestions again.

§Clear§ Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and displays a new possible word!

Since the display changes as you pro- ceed, it is best if you finish a word without looking at the display.