Questions & Answers


If you have any questions about using your phone, visit us at As further help we have listed below some frequently asked questions and answers.

ProblemPossible causesPossible solution

Phone cannot

On/Off key not pressed long

Press On/Off key for at least 2 seconds.

be switched on. enough.



Flat battery.

Charge battery. Check charging indicator in the





Battery contacts dirty.

Clean contacts.


See also below under “Charging





Standby time is

Frequent use of organiser and

Restrict use if necessary.

too short.




Display illumination on.

Switch off display illumination (p. 51).


Unintentional keystrokes

Activate key lock (p. 52).




Charging error

Battery totally discharged.

1) Plug in power supply unit, battery is on charge.

(charge icon


2) Charge icon appears after approx. 2 hours.

not displayed).


3) Continue to charge battery.


Temperature out of range:

Make sure the ambient temperature is right, wait for


+5 °C to +40 °C.

a while, then recharge.


Contact problem.

Check power supply and connection to the phone.



Check battery contacts and connection socket, clean



them if necessary, then insert battery again.


No mains voltage.

Use different mains power socket, check mains





Wrong charger.

Only use original Siemens accessories.


Battery faulty.

Replace battery.

SIM error.

SIM card not correctly inserted.

Check that the SIM card is inserted correctly (p. 8).


Dirty SIM card contacts.

Clean SIM card with a dry cloth.


SIM card with wrong voltage.

Use 3V SIM cards only.


SIM card damaged (e.g. broken). Carry out a visual check. Ask service provider to



change SIM card.