
Once the photo has been saved you are immediately offered the following options:

View finder

Activate the display for a new picture.

Send via MMS,

Send via Email

Send the photos as an MMS or as an e-mail attachment.

Set to wallpaper

Use the photo as a background image.

Go to my photos

Open the photo album.

Additional information

When you take a photo the settings are not stored permanently.

0 Status display with information on zoom, brightness, quality, colours, highest mode, and resolution. Press the # key to display the settings and change them by pressing the relevant digits.

My photos

CMCameraMMy photos

All saved photos are available in the photo album.

Display photo.


Select required photo. The


current photo is shown as


a small picture at the


bottom of the display.

§Options) Open menu.

View Select.

You have the following options in display mode:

§Options) Open menu.

Zoom in/Zoom out, Previous, Next, Delete, Info, Set to wallpaper


Scroll between the photos


in the photo album.

My photos options

Depending on the actual situation, different functions will be displayed.

§Options) Open menu.

View, Send via MMS, Send via Email, Set to wallpaper, Create new album, Cut, Copy, Delete, Delete all, Rename, Info, Copy to