To r educe th e ri sk of i njury , n ever
connect p lug to power source outlet
until all assembly steps are completed.
Rip fence Alignment
See figure 1.
1.Loosen fence locking knob.
2.Using a phillips screwdriver, loosen the two screws of the
fence alignment plate.
3.Adjus t fenc e until it is al igned with tw o corr esponding
indicator marks.
4.Tighten fence locking knob.
5.Re-tighten both screws on fence alignment plate.
Rip fence pointer Adjustment
See figure 2.
The distance of th e fence from the blade when ripping is
determined by lining the pointer with the desired dimension
on the scale.
To adjust the rip fence pointer:
1.Loosen fence locking knob.
2.Slide fence to a specific length (example: 4”).
3.Tighten fence locking knob.
4.Using a scrap piece of wood, make a small cut.
5.Measure your cut. If needed, adjust the fence until your
cut equals your desired length (4”).
6. Loosen pointer adjustment screw
7.Align pointer to mark on scale (4”).
8.Re-tighten pointer adjustment screw.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Align fence to
indicator marks
fence Alignment
plate Screws
locking Knob
Align pointer
to mark
Assembly and Adjustments