oscilloscope (DC range)


These checks are performed before replacing parts according to “approximate specifications” to determine the faulty locations. For details, refer to “Checks Prior to Parts Replacement and Adjust- ments” (See page 8).

6-1. Temperature Compensation Offset Check

When performing adjustments, set the internal temperature and room temperature of 22 °C to 28 °C.

Checking Procedure:

1.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “TEMP CHECK”.

2.Press the [YES] button.

3.“T=@@(##) [OK” should be displayed. If “T=@@ (##) [NG” is displayed, it means that the results are bad.

(@@ indicates the current value set, and ## indicates the value written in the non-volatile memory.)

6-2. Laser Power Check

Before checking, check the IOP value of the optical pick-up. (Refer to 5-8. Recording and Displaying IOP Information.)

Connection :


power meter

Optical pick-up objective lens

digital voltmeter

BD board







CN110 pin 5

(I +3V)






CN110 pin 4



Checking Procedure:

1.Set the laser power meter on the objective lens of the optical pick-up. (When it cannot be set properly, press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊ]0 but- ton or [ÊÊÊÊÊÊ]) button to move the optical pick-up.)

Connect the digital volt meter to CN110 pin 5 (I+3V) and CN110 pin 4 (IOP).

2.Then, rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and display “LDPWR CHECK” (C02).

3.Press the [YES] button once and display “LD 0.9 mW $ ”. Check that the reading of the laser power meter become 0.84 to 0.92 mW.

4.Press the [YES] button once more and display “LD 7.0 mW $

”. Check that the reading the laser power meter and digital volt meter satisfy the specified value.


Laser power meter reading: 7.0 ± 0.2 mW

Digital voltmeter reading : Optical pick-up displayed value ±10%

(Optical pick-up label)


27X40 B0567

lOP=56.7 mA in this case

lOP (mA) = Digital voltmeter reading (mV)/1 (Ω)

5.Press the [MENU/NO] button and display “LDPWR CHECK” and stop the laser emission.

(The [MENU/NO] button is effective at all times to stop the laser emission.)

Note 1: After step 4, each time the [YES] button is pressed, the display

will be switched between “LD 0.7 mW $

”, “LD 6.2 mW $

”, and “LD Wp


”. Nothing needs to be performed





6-3. Traverse Check

Note 1: Data will be erased during MO reading if a recorded disc is used in this adjustment.

Note 2: If the traverse waveform is not clear, connect the oscilloscope as shown in the following figure so that it can be seen more clearly.

BD board

330 k Ω

CN110 pin 3 (TE)

CN110 pin 1 (VC) 10 pF

Connection :

oscilloscope (DC range)

BD board



CN110 pin 3



V: 0.1 V/div

CN110 pin 1


H: 10 ms/div




Checking Procedure:

1.Connect an oscilloscope to CN110 pin 3 (TE) and CN110 pin 1 (VC) of the BD board.

2.Load a disc (any available on the market). (Refer to Note 1.)

3.Press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊ]) button and move the optical pick-up outside the pit.

4.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and display “EF MO CHECK”(C03).

5.Press the [YES] button and display “EFB = MO-R”. (Laser power READ power/Focus servo ON/tracking servo OFF/spindle (S) servo ON)

6.Observe the waveform of the oscilloscope, and check that the specified value is satisfied. Do not rotate the[ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob.

(Read power traverse checking)

(Traverse Waveform)




Specified value : Below 10% offset value

Offset value (%) = IA – BI X 100 2 (A + B)

7.Press the [YES] button and display “EFB = MO-W”.

8.Observe the waveform of the oscilloscope, and check that the specified value is satisfied. Do not rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob.

(Write power traverse checking)

(Traverse Waveform)




Specified value : Below 10% offset value

Offset value (%) = IA – BI X 100 2 (A + B)

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Image 25
Sony MDS-JB920 Check Prior to Repairs, Temperature Compensation Offset Check, Laser Power Check, Traverse Check, KMS260A