





Volume cannot be

• AVLS is on.


turned up.

, Release AVLS settings (page 55).





No sound comes

• The headphones/earphones plug is not firmly connected.


through the headphones/

, Plug in the plug of the headphones/earphones firmly to i.



• The plug is dirty.



, Clean the plug.





The disc cannot be

• The component does not support Hi-MD.


played on another

, Discs recorded on this recorder can be played only on



components that supports Hi-MD.





The edited tracks may

• This occurs due to the MiniDisc system limitation. The


exhibit sound dropout

fragmentation of data may cause sound dropout while searching


during search

because the tracks are played in higher speed than normal








There is no

• There is no R-channel output if the cassette deck or an amplifier is


R-channel sound output

connected with a monaural cord.


when playing a track

, Make sure to use a stereo connecting cord. If, however, the


recorded from a cassette

connected equipment is monaural, there will be no R-channel


deck or through an

sound output even with a stereo connecting cord.


amplifier, or when



listening to sound from



a cassette deck or









The recorder cannot

• You tried to play an MP3 track with a format not supported by this


play MP3 tracks.




, This recorder only supports MP3 tracks (MPEG-1 Audio



Layer-3/Sampling frequency 44.1 kHz) that have been



transferred using the SonicStage software.





Momentary noise is

• Due to the special digital audio compression technology used in



LP4 mode, momentary noise may occur on very rare occasions



with certain sound sources.








While editing











• Editing is not possible when using a 1GB Hi-MD disc even when


the battery level indication shows enough power remaining while

appears and editing

the recorder is stopped or playing. This is because of a mechanism

cannot be done on a

that disables editing when the remaining battery power is estimated

1GB Hi-MD disc.

by the recorder to be insufficient due to the high power


consumption required for 1GB Hi-MD disc editing.


, Insert a new alkaline dry battery or connect the AC power


adaptor (not supplied) to the recorder.



The lid does not open.

• The recorder is saving the contents of an editing operation. The lid


will not open until “SYSTEM FILE WRITING” disappears from


the display.