Using the AUTO

Skip Feature

Selecting STOP interrupts the Auto Skip process and returns you to the previous screen, which displays the stations that have been set to be skipped thus far.

When you select the AUTO button, the DSS receiver automatically scans all the stations in the current Master Guide. During this scanning process, the DSS receiver determines which stations you are not authorized to watch and then sets these stations to be skipped. You can use this feature as a starting point to creating your own list of custom stations.

For example, if there are stations that appear in the Master Guide to which you do not subscribe, the AUTO function automatically marks these stations to be skipped. This saves you the trouble of having to determine which of the 150+ stations in the Master Guide you cannot view and then having to manually set each of these stations to be skipped.

To use the AUTO Skip feature:

1 Select SET CUSTOM STATIONS from the Custom Setup Menu.

2 Select the AUTO button.

The DSS receiver begins to evaluate all the stations in the Master Guide, and displays a status bar, similar to the following.



8% completed

Evaluating channel 150.

Please wait ...


This process may take a few minutes to complete.

When the DSS receiver is finished scanning, the station list reappears, with checkmarks (') beside stations that are set to be skipped.

3 Select OK to save your selections. Or select additional stations to be skipped or unskipped.


You may want to re-run the Auto skip procedure periodically in case your program providers make changes or additions to their station lineups.

60Chapter 5: Using the Custom Setup Menu