Sony STR-DE1015G, STR-DE815G, STR-D760Z Index, Y, Z, Watching TV Video programs 28 Wide mode

Models: STR-DE1015G, STR-DE815G, STR-D760Z STR-D760Z STR-DE815G

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Additional Information


A, B

AC-3. See Dolby Digital (AC-3) Adjusting

delay time 39, 57 position of the on-screen

display 47

sound parameter 37, 38, 55 sensitivity of remote 46 speaker volume 23, 24, 58 tone 38, 39, 55, 56 volume 23, 25, 26, 53

Antenna hookups AM/FM 7

Audio components hookups 8 Automatic play 44 Automatic start 44 Automatic tuning 29, 54


Center mode 24, 25, 59, 65 NORMAL mode 24 PHANTOM mode 24

3 CH LOGIC mode 24 WIDE mode 24

CD changer operation 48 Changing the display settings


Connecting. See Hookups Customizing sound fields 37, 55


Decoded Dolby Digital AC-3 programs 27, 53

Delay time 39, 57, 58 Digital components

connecting 13 playback from 27, 53

Dimming the display 58, 59 Direct tuning 29

Dolby Digital (AC-3) speaker setting 9-10 sound modes 33

Dolby Pro Logic Surround getting the most out of 24

Dolby Surround sound 33, 65 Dubbing. See Recording


Editing. See Recording

Effect level 37, 38, 56, 57


Front panel 51


Grouping CDs 49



AC power cord 14 AM/FM antennas 7 audio components 8 digital components 13 IR repeater 7 overview 5 speakers 9 TV/VCRs 11

I, J, K

Indexing CDs 49

preset stations 43, 59 program sources 43, 59 using the controls on the

front panel 59 Inserting batteries into the

remote 15

IR repeater 7, 46-47


Labeling. See Indexing


Macro operations 45

N, O

Naming. See Indexing

NORMAL mode 24

P, Q

Parameter 37, 38, 65 PHANTOM mode 24 Playing audio components

without TV 60 Preset station 30 Presetting

radio stations 30 Preset tuning 30, 54 Program source

indexing 43, 59 selecting 26, 53


Rear panel 5, 6 Receiving broadcasts. See

Tuning Recording 31

using the controls on the front panel 55

Registering IR codes 17, 19, 42 clearing the signal 18, 21,

43 Remote 15-21, 52

controlling non-Sony components 17, 19, 42

controlling Sony components 17, 19

inserting batteries 15 sensitivity 46 usage 15-16


Scanning CD list 50

preset stations 30, 54 radio stations 29, 54 Searching for a CD 50


a component 26

using the front panel 53 display parameter 57-59

Sleep timer 48 Sound field

adjustable parameters 37, 38 customizing 37-41, 55-57 pre-programmed 33-35

Speakers connection 9 impedance 10 placement 9-10 selecting the speaker

system 10 Storing radio stations. See

Presetting Surround sound 65


Test tone 23, 24

3 CH LOGIC mode 24 Troubleshooting 61 Tuning

by scanning indexed stations 30

directly 29

using preset stations 30, 54 using the controls on the

front panel 54 TV/VCR hookups 11

U, V

Unpacking 6

W, X, Y, Z

Watching TV 28

video programs 28 WIDE mode 24

Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia

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Sony STR-DE1015G, STR-DE815G, STR-D760Z operating instructions Index, Y, Z, Watching TV Video programs 28 Wide mode