

You can create a group of numbers and email addresses. By doing so, you can send messages to several recipients at the same time, %35 Messaging.

You can also use groups (with numbers) when you create accepted callers lists, %32 Accept calls.

To create a group of numbers and email addresses

1.} Contacts } Options } Groups } New group } Add.

2.Enter a name for the group } Continue.

3.} New } Add to find and select a contact number.

4.Repeat step 3 to add more numbers. } Done.

Business cards

You can add your own business card as a contact.

To add your own business card

}Contacts } Options } My business card and add information for your business card } Save.

To send your business card

}Contacts } Options } My business card } Send my card and select a transfer method.

Showing or hiding your number

If your subscription supports the Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) service, you can hide your phone number when making a call.

To always show or hide your phone number

1.} Settings } the Calls tab } Show or hide no. Use

or to scroll between the tabs.

2.Select Show number, Hide number or Network default.

Accept calls

With the accept calls service, you can choose to receive calls only from certain phone numbers. Other calls are automatically rejected by a busy tone. If the call divert option When busy is activated, calls are diverted instead of rejected by a busy tone. The phone numbers of calls you have rejected are saved in the call list.

To add numbers to the accepted callers list

1.} Settings } the Calls tab } Manage calls } Accept calls } Only from list } Edit } Add. Select a contact.

Use or to scroll between the tabs.

2.To add a group of contacts to the accepted callers list } Groups (requires that you have created groups,

%32 Groups).

32This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.