
Before you start

To create and send a picture message

Before sending a picture message, make sure that:


} Messaging } Create new } MMS } Add to view a list

1. The address of your message server is set } Messaging


of items to add to your message. Select an item.


} Add to add more items to the message. You can view and

} Settings } MMS } Message server.


select options to enhance the message by highlighting items

2. You have entered the correct settings } Messaging



in the message and pressing the left selection key.

} Settings } MMS } Internet profile. If no Internet



When you have finished composing your message } More

profile exists } New profile and enter the required settings.


} Send to.



Settings may already be entered when you buy your phone. If


} Enter phone no. and enter the recipient’s phone number,

not, you can automatically receive all the settings in a message


or } Contacts look-upto retrieve a number or a group

from your network operator.


from Contacts. To enter an email address } Enter Email

Creating and sending picture messages


addr.. A list below shows the last 10 recipients. You can


also select a recipient from this list. } Send.

When composing a picture message, you can select different

To make a call while creating a picture message

items such as: Picture, Text, Sound, Video, Sound

recording and Page. You can send your business card as an


While writing your message } More.

attachment in a picture message. You can also select Use


} Make a call and enter or retrieve a phone number } Call.

camera to take a new picture or record a new video clip.


You return to the message.

Before sending a picture message, you can select from different


To end the call } More } End call.



options to adjust and enhance your message. The size of the

Default message options

message is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

You can request a read report, a delivery report and set a priority


for a specific message.

To set a default message option

} Messaging } Settings } MMS and select one of the options.

38This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.