
Time and date

The time is always displayed in standby.

To set the time and date

} Settings } the General tab } Time & date } Time. Enter the time } Save.

To set the time format (12-hour or 24-hour clock) } Format and select an option.

You can set the date and date format in } Settings } the General tab } Time & date } Date.

Start-up screen and power save

When you turn your phone on, the start-up screen appears. You can also set your own start-up screen.

You can choose to turn power save on or off if you do not want to use several Bluetooth functions at the same time. If you turn it on, the phone will save power and it will prevent other devices from connecting to your phone when you are already connected to one.

To select a start-up screen

}Settings } the Display tab } Start-up screen and select

an option for the start-up screen. Use or to scroll between the tabs.

To save power

}Settings } the Connectivity tab } Bluetooth } Power save

}On. Use or to scroll between the tabs.


You can change the appearance of the screen, for example, the colours and wallpaper, by using themes. Your phone comes with some predefined themes. You cannot delete these, but you can download new themes from Vodafone live!.

To select or change a theme

}My Items } Themes and select a theme.

Exchanging themes

You can exchange themes using one of the available transfer methods.

To send a theme

1.} My Items } Themes and select a theme.

2.} More } Send and select a transfer method.

To download a theme

1.} My Items } Themes } More themes.

2.Follow the instructions on the screen.

68This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.