To delete a message

1.} Messaging and select a folder.

2.Select the message that you want to delete and press .

Long messages

The number of characters that a text message can contain depends on the language you are writing in. You can send a longer message by linking two or more messages. You are charged for each of the messages linked in a long message. You may not receive all parts of a long message at the same time.

Note: Check with your network operator for the maximum number of messages that can be linked.

To turn long messages on

}Messaging } Settings } SMS } Max. msg length

}Max. available.


If you have messages that you send often, you can save these as templates. You can create your own templates.


Message options

You can set a default value for several message options or choose the settings each time you send a message. To check the delivery status of a sent message, the delivery report option must be on.

To set a default text message option

}Messaging } Settings } SMS and select an option.

To set a message option for a specific message

1.When you have selected a recipient to send your text message to } More } Advanced.

2.Select the option that you want to change } Edit and select a new setting.

3.} Done when you have changed the options.

To check the delivery status of a sent message

}Messaging } Sent messages and select a text message

}View } More } Details.

To create a template

1.} Messaging } Templates } New template } Add } Text.

2.Write the message } OK.

3.Enter a title for the message } OK.

Picture messages (MMS)

Picture messages can contain text, pictures, video clips, camera pictures, sound recordings, and business cards. Both you and the receiver of the picture message must have a subscription that supports MMS. You can send picture messages to a mobile phone or an email address, %41 Email.

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