Refer to the fold -ou t front p anel d iagram w hich show s the control fu nctions on the SPIRIT LIVE 4. Each facility is d escribed below , and is id entified by the reference nu m ber.















The Microp hone inp u t is via a stand ard fem ale XLR-3


connector and is available w hen the LIN E -20dBsw itch is


released . It is d esigned to accep t a w id e range of balanced or


u nbalanced low im p ed ance inp u t signals.


+48V Phantom Pow er is available on each inp u t m icrop hone


socket. This is sw itched on globally from the p ow er su p p ly in


the case of the 12, 16 and 24 channel d esks, or from a rocker


sw itch ad jacent to the d .c. p ow er connector at the top right of


the 32 channel d esk.

Shou ld you w ish to configu re inp u ts


w ithou t +48V p ow er, see Selectable Op tions on Page 27 for


d etails of this m od ification .


Transform er-cou p led

d ynam ic m icrop hones m ay be u sed


w ithou t cau sing d am age, even w hen the +48V p ow er is


connected , bu t care m u st be taken w hen u sing u nbalanced


sou rces, becau se of the voltage p resent on p ins 2 and 3 of the


XLR connector. Microp hone inp u t level is set by the GAIN






N OTE: Phantom p ow ered m ics shou ld not be p lu gged in


w ith the +48V sw itched on . Also you shou ld be aw are that


som e m icrop hones d raw an u nu su ally large cu rrent w hich


m ay overload the p ow er su p p ly, resu lting in d istortion .


Consu lt you r m icrop hone su p p lier for gu id ance if necessary.










A grou nd com p ensated D IRECT ou tp u t is p rovid ed , fed from


the ou tp u t of the fad er bu ffer, w hich is therefore u naffected


by the p osition of the ROUTIN G sw itches or PAN control.


This p rovid es an id eal sou rce for external p rocessing u nits,


the ou tp u t of w hich m ay be brou ght back to the console


throu gh the


sections or grou p RETURN S, or to


d irectly send

to the tracks of a tap e m achine for m u ltitrack

record ing. This p rovid es as m any Tap e Send s as there are m ixer channels, w ithou t u sing the grou p or m ix ou tp u ts.

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Image 12
SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Getting to Know Your Console, Input Channel, IC RO PHO NE Input, Direc T O Utput