



The PAN control d eterm ines the p osition of the signal w ithin


the stereo m ix im age or m ay be u sed to rou te the channel


signal to p articu lar ou tp u t GROUPS as selected by the


ROUTIN G SWITCHES (13). Rotation fu lly anticlockw ise


feed s the signal solely to the Left m ix bu ss or Grou p s 1 and 3,


w hile rotation clockw ise sw eep s the im age to the right bu ss or


Grou p s 2 and 4.









When the PFL sw itch is p ressed , the Pre-Fad e signal is fed to


the head p hones, w here it rep laces the selected sou rce. The


PFL/AFL LED on the m aster section illu m inates to w arn that


the head p hones and the m eters are now resp ond ing to the


PFL/ AFL selection and the PFL LED on the inp u t channel


lights to id entify the active channel.

This is a u sefu l w ay of


listening to any requ ired inp u t signal w ithou t interru p ting the


m ain m ix, for m aking ad ju stm ents or tracing p roblem s.


When the PFL sw itch is released the LED on the channel


serves as a PEAK ind icator, to w arn w hen an excessively high


signal level is p resent in the channel.

The signal is sam p led


at tw o p oints in the channel, im m ed iately after the inp u t


am p lifier (PRE H I-PASS FILTER & PRE IN SERT) and POST


EQ. The Peak LED w ill illu m inate ap p roxim ately 4d B before


clip p ing and therefore give w arning

of a p ossible overload


even if the p eaks are rem oved by external equ ip m ent p lu gged


into the Insert.









The ON sw itch enables all ou tp u ts from the channel w hen


p ressed , and the associated LED illu m inates to show that the


channel is active.









The inp u t channel signal m ay be rou ted to the m ain STEREO


MIX (L-R) or p airs of GROUP bu sses (1-2, 3-4), by p ressing


the resp ective sw itches. These m ay be u sed in conju nction


w ith the PAN control (10 above) to rou te the channel signal


p rop ortionately to any of the selected bu sses.








This long-throw fad er d eterm ines the p rop ortion of the


channel in the m ix and p rovid es a clear visu al ind ication of

channel level. N orm al op erating p osition is at the ‘0’ m ark, p rovid ing 10d B of gain above that p oint if requ ired .

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SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Pa N, PFL/ Peak LED, RO Uting Switc HES, Hannel Fader